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Business Unit
Legal Notice

Legal Notice

Publisher and party responsible for content:

MEGGLE GmbH & Co. KG • Megglestraße 6 – 12 • 83512 Wasserburg am Inn
Registered office: Wasserburg am Inn • Registration court (district court) Traunstein HRA 7828 •
Personally liable partner: MEGGLE Group GmbH • Megglestraße 6 – 12 •
83512 Wasserburg am Inn • Registration court (district court) Traunstein HRB 28495
Managing Directors: Matthias Oettel (Chairman) • Henning Dehler • Marcus Hormuth
VAT Reg. No.: DE813497582

T +49 8071 73-0
F +49 8071 73-444

Whistleblower Guideline (EU) 2019/1937

Every MEGGLE employee or any other natural person has the opportunity to report violations of applicable national or international law or other wrongdoing to the compliance office of MEGGLE Group GmbH via the HERE linked whistleblower system. The whistleblower can make the report either completely anonymously or by providing personal data. In the case of an anonymous report, you can view the processing status of your report at a later date by entering a pseudonym and a self-assigned password. In this case, please make sure you remember the access data you have given yourself. Your anonymity remains guaranteed in this respect.

Click here to access the MEGGLE Group's whistleblower system in accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive.

Information on copyright

All content contained on the internet pages of MEGGLE is protected by copyright. MEGGLE allows the viewing and downloading of all content on its internet pages exclusively for private, non-commercial use. We explicitly point out that all copyrights and ownership rights of MEGGLE must be observed in case of any reproduction of content. The content must not be changed and used on other internet pages or networked computers without the written consent of MEGGLE.

The content must not be reproduced for public or commercial purposes, exhibited, distributed or used in any other way. Any violation of these provisions shall oblige the person or party to destroy all printed or downloaded content. MEGGLE reserves the right to claim damages.

Information on exemption from liability

The information that can be found on our internet pages is compiled with the utmost of care. However, MEGGLE does not give a guarantee as to the completeness, topicality, correctness or appropriateness of using the information for certain specific purposes. Using the content that has been and is available on the internet pages is at the user’s own risk.

The webpages of MEGGLE contain links to those of other providers. During the process of linking, the internet pages of the other providers are checked as to the legality of the content that can be found on these pages. MEGGLE is not responsible for the content of other internet pages which can be accessed via these links. If MEGGLE notices or is informed that one of the linked internet pages contains illegal content, this link will be removed insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable.

MEGGLE GmbH & Co. KG expresses its willingness to participate in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer conciliation board. The appropriate board in that matter would be the Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V. (General Consumer Conciliation Board situated at the Registered Association "Centre for Consiliation"), Straßburger Straße 8, 77694 Kehl. This board can also be contacted online at .